Amplifying your Marketing
Marketing analytics platform dashboard.

Addressing major marketing challenges

Our AI-based marketing analytics platform empowers you to take smarter decisions on how to grow the business toward your most important goals.

  • Measure the true incremental impact of marketing activities on the key KPIs over time

  • Evaluate the efficiency of each media channel and create the optimal media mix

  • Plan and predict future marketing investments

Data connected to Fieldstream marketing analytics platform turns into actionable outputs.

Easy to get started

The platform is fully automated and allows for easy access to the powerful analytics engine. If needed we guide you through the set-up and make your organisation ready for taking smart marketing decisions.


Connect data


Run engine


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Easy to get started

The platform is highly automated and allows for easy access to the powerful marketing analytics tool. Connect your data, run the model, and get ready for unlocking the potential of your marketing data.


Connect data


Run the model


Get insights

Data connected to Fieldstream marketing analytics platform turns into actionable outputs.
Marketing analytics platform dashboard.

Continuous reporting

With our comprehensive dashboard, you have access to insights at any moment that allows you to easily perceive and understand outputs. In addition, the predictive analytics tool will let you plan, forecast and check your marketing performance.

  • Track ongoing campaign performance

  • Plan and forecast marketing scenarios

  • Compare predicted plans toward actual outcome

Marketing analytics platform dashboard.
Marketing analytics platform dashboard.

Now is the time to act

In the past, ROI measurement was typically done using multi-touch attribution models, but this approach is becoming obsolete due to the phase-out of third-party cookies.

Fieldstream has developed an innovative AI-based data analytics platform. By combining Marketing Mix Modelling, Bayesian principles, and machine learning, our platform provides a holistic view of the impact of media and non-media channels on key KPIs, as well as the impact of other factors such as holidays, seasonality, branding effects, etc.

This empowers you to make smarter decisions about future budget allocation, ensuring a better return on investment for your business.

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